
Global Speakers Summit 2024

I’m absolutely thrilled to share that I’ve been selected as a featured speaker at this year’s Global Speakers Federation conference in Bali – the world's largest gathering of professional speakers! ✨


When I applied, I never imagined being chosen from such an impressive talent pool. But my message of aligning with business purpose for a fertile and ethical future really resonated.


Join me in Bali, where I’ll discuss reconnecting with the soul of our businesses for a sustainable, impactful future. I hope my journey inspires others to take risks and pursue their passions.

Exciting times ahead—I can’t wait!

From Client Briefs to Unique Experiences: My Game-Changing Approach

Since becoming a keynote speaker, I’ve focused on intention rather than client briefs, and guess what? It works!


Normally, you follow the client's brief, include their examples, and create a standard presentation. But the audience has heard it all before and nothing changes.


My new approach is different:

I ask clients what transformation they want for the audience.

I immerse myself in the company’s history and culture.

I create a unique, engaging experience that combines their story with mine.


This approach plants "out-of-the-box" thinking seeds that have lasting impacts. Now, business leaders tell me how my talks have sparked real change.

Aligning with your Business
A Soulful Approach

In this transformative workshop, you will be guided to connect with the deeper essence of your business, seeing it as a living entity with its own soul.


Through a series of interactive sessions, you will uncover how aligning with this inner dimension can unleash your business's full potential.


I will also share my personal journey, detailing the challenges and triumphs that led me to this unique approach.


Join us to explore how understanding and harmonizing with the soul of your organization can drive meaningful growth and fulfillment.

Dealing with Hypergrowth

Hypergrowth is impressive, but it’s tough when projects stall and the CEO is close to burnout.

This consulting firm thrived for 8 years and planned expansion to Senegal and Ivory Coast—a dream for any entrepreneur. ✨ But the reality was harsh:

  • CEO burnout: Overwhelmed, becoming aggressive.
  • Blocked employees: Hesitant, lacking initiative and autonomy.
  • Stalled fundraising: Critical for expansion but stuck.

The CEO reached out to me at a breaking point. We revisited the company’s purpose, redefined roles, and quantified fundraising needs.

The Outcome: Employees now understand their roles. CEO focuses on expansion, trusting deputies. New shareholders provided funds and opened new markets.

Focusing on purpose enabled crucial transformation.

Did you say Unique?

When baking a cake, do you adapt your recipe with the ingredients in your fridge, or do you strictly follow your book recipe?

Common mistakes when following ready-made methods.
❌ 1️⃣ : Keep employees’ vision into silos
❌ 2️⃣ : Write Purpose and Business Plan in a closed board room
❌ 3️⃣ : Rely solely on Financial KPIs

Soul & Biz conferences, workshops and alignment programs, are designed for unique organizations to:
✅ 1️⃣ : Engage employees
✅ 2️⃣ : Partner with your company as a living entity
✅ 3️⃣ : Global vision of financial and purpose KPIs

Let Nature inspire your Organization

Ever thought about how nature can guide us in managing our organizations? That's the essence of biomimicry. It’s about learning from nature's processes and solutions to solve our own challenges.

While managing a business or career seems purely rational, there’s a "magical" touch that makes each organization unique. Nature offers great inspiration. Here are some tips I use:

  • Observing processes and goals: Adapt them to your organization.
  • Understanding interactions: Study how nature balances collaboration and competition.
  • Exploring long-term processes: Learn how nature's strategies achieve lasting impact.

Give it a try and see the difference!

The Power of your Organization's Soul

Have you ever thought of your organization as a living entity?

Each business is a unique mix of stakeholders, all driven by a shared mission, vision, and values—its soul.

This soul helps the organization function as a unified entity, amplifying collective efforts and aligning everyone with a common purpose. When leadership truly aligns with this purpose, it resonates throughout the business.

Think about your journey. Have you ever felt perfectly in sync with your organization’s mission? How did it impact your decisions? Connecting with your organization’s soul can unlock immense potential. ✨

That’s how I developed the S.O.U.L.® process. Ready to embark on this journey? Let’s talk!


I recently took body training classes to improve my posture as a speaker, and it was transformative!

Reconnecting with my body helped me rediscover forgotten sensations and activate dormant muscles, reminding me of our interconnectedness.

A key takeaway was empowering my lower body to initiate movement, grounding me in the present and unlocking my full potential.

This experience highlighted how we often overlook our bodies' wisdom.


In the corporate world, it's similar—valuing input from all levels is crucial.


My mission now is to align every stakeholder around a shared purpose, driving success through connection, collaboration, and alignment.

Revealing transformation:
The power of public speaking at conferences

I'm very happy to share a recent testimonial

"I attended one of Morgane's conferences at the Empow'Her festival in 2020. I had come the first time as a student. That talk made a huge impression on me, as you pointed out that 'we women were always talking about small amounts of funding, but if millions of euros were offered to us, we wouldn't always know what to do with it'. A year later, I had started my own business, and it gave me a clearer vision of money."

This feedback beautifully encapsulates the profound transformation that can be sparked by the power of public speaking and conferences—to inspire, empower, and drive individuals towards meaningful change.

More than talking, it's about catalyzing change.

Breaking norms to shape futures

Hey! I'm thrilled to share that my journey and insights are featured in the latest issue of Chut Magazine, celebrating women in tech. This isn't just about my story but our collective progress. Over the past 15 years, balancing motherhood and a tech career, I've seen incredible changes—from being a rarity to driving innovation.

In the 2010s, women asked for less in valuations, and my daughter was the only girl in a coding class. Now, we're breaking barriers and paving the way for future generations.


My message: Let's inspire, lead, and empower. How are you contributing to a more inclusive tech landscape? Together, we can create a better world.

The Power of Silence

Hey! In our noisy digital world, silence can feel strange, even uncomfortable. But within that silence lies incredible potential for creativity and transformation.

Silence is a canvas for new ideas. As a business healer and inspirational speaker, I've learned to cherish silence for fostering innovation and growth.

  • Active listening
  • Digestion and action
  • Healing and transformation

How do you harness silence in your business?

How do you embrace silence in your journey of transformation?

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